Tame tee time organization with the Tee Timer.
Home grown software for managing my own golf group, that I originally created in 2004 as our group kept growing.
Managing a larger group became difficult. Keeping track without an automated system was time consuming and frustrating. So I wrote the
first iteration of the tee timer. Turns out our players loved it. I hadn't thought of how much easier it would be for them
as well. They loved being able to see who was playing each weekend. They told their friends and others started using our tool.
One club organizer said to me you are 23 years late. He had been managing his group using email or phone calls and the time he spent
went down to 3-5 minutes a week from 2-3 hours each week.
Now people want the system to provide handicaps and manage their games on the course. So this version builds that in to the tool. Here
are some of the key features of the Tee Timer.